Why Choose Us?

There are many options to choose from when you research a usable degree for Online Teaching; or even to obtain a working permit in countries like China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan or Korea. These are our markets.

We at DEGREES FOR ALL have done immense amounts of research to understand this dynamic and competitive market. 

When you are looking for a degree you need to consider if the product provided will actually allow you to reach your intended destination.

There have been many fly-by-night companies that give in-depth and sometimes non-applicable training for you to obtain your ‘degree’. But upon testing, these degrees do not pass governmental requirements. Granted, online companies give a lot of leeway. The companies are not that strict and rarely do they put in the effort to verify your degree.

But the big question is whether the degree you obtain is:

1. Actually applicable to teaching English

In any competitive market like this an employer would prefer someone who has a degree for the field. Having a verifiable Bachelors of Education – English degree puts you ahead of someone who applies for the same job with a Bachelors of Art – History, or let’s say a Theology based degree

2. Actually able to be Legalized for the country you want to work in

For the moment online Companies don’t require Authentication and Legalisation, but it is sure to be implemented shortly. For work permit applications it is a must. Many companies offer ‘degrees’ in the purely legal sense of the word, but when put under scrutiny they do not pass the inspection of the Governmental Authorities. Now this is all fine if you want to work online, for the time being, but if your work permit is rejected because of your degree it is more than just inconvenient. It is a lot of wasted time, energy and also money.

3. Reasonably priced

DEGREES FOR ALL was started by expats who, just like you, work in Asia and have been teaching English as a Second Language to students for years. We looked at the market and noticed that companies charged up to $3000 or more for these degrees, and required loads of coursework. We did more research and found that this is ridiculous and that the actual costs are nowhere near that. One specific company we checked out has fluctuating prices that have some applicants paying $3000-3200 for a degree and then a few months later is selling the same product for $1000-1500. It just didn’t seem right or fair. 

DEGREES FOR ALL decided to give a steady market appropriate price. Our price is most company’s ‘discounted’ price. It doesn’t jump and change. We keep it reasonable and steady. Because we know what this actually costs.

4. Actually based on Work experience

The degrees issued by our company are actually awarded based on experience. Not just teaching experience, but even public speaking training or informal teaching sessions can be submitted as ‘record of prior learning’. 

We do not make our applicants do extra coursework. Our applicants can start earning real money almost immediately.

So these are just some of the reasons to choose our company. We are also constantly doing market research to assist and help our clients. This means we have our fingers on the pulse and as the market swells and there are more and more teachers in the market we adapt our product to their specific needs.

5. Time frame from start to finish

One of the strengths of our service is the speed which we secure the degrees for our clients. Especially when it comes to Authentication and Legalization of the documents. If you do some research you will see that we charge around $600 for this process. There are agencies that will do it for less. But we charge more because we pay more… we pay for the speedy expedite service. We use DHL couriers, who have their own airplanes. We pay more to jump the queue at State level and at the Consulate level. This means our clients get their documents ASAP. In addition,  we provide electronic scanned copies of all documents as they go through each step. The great thing is…even though we pay for these extra services…our complete degree product is still much, much cheaper than our closest competitors. So this means our product is more complete and more readily available for use.